This My Collection of photos of |
If you know of other sites that list such Whack-O
drivers in other areas |
For my first entry: The BMW he gives "Weiner in a Beemer"
the status quo. # 5CMS889 I turned to go east on Fir at Indian and the driver to the right
ran the stop sign and was right on my tail and stayed that down the
street. I slowed down to turn right and had to wait for pedestrians in the
drive way to clear. The Whack-O floored it and passed me on the right side
scared the pedestrians they thought he was going to run up the sidewalk on
them they jumped back. I followed him only two blocks he knew I was there
and stopped. He was yelling at me saying I was stalking him LOL I only followed him two blocks. I guess with the way he drives he gets this a lot.